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Oh! King release me.

My soul is here on the top of the mountain. It is facing the sun and dancing with the red Indians. For the first time it is walking naked in open, out of the cloth of my body. The eagles are flying at height; the arrows are coming from all directions. I have never experienced this kind of solace. I kicked the sand but it is still, I bowed to pluck the wild flower but I am unable to pluck it. Oh! The horses are in fear like they have seen something which a human eye can't.

The wind is blowing through my hair. The cactus smells like rose but no butterflies are here. I can only see bodies and more bodies wounded and torn apart. I didn't want to fight, I guess no one wants but I was sent like every other time. War comes like a blessing for a king and a curse for a soldier. This was not a battle of pride; it even wasn't for Helen of troy. Neither, I was sent to kill the Jews nor to emancipate the sinner. I was the victim of time.

I am a solider of every civilization. The king is my god. I am powerful yet I am directed by the throne. Oh! King release me, I wish to go to my village to my home. I want to see the happiness I missed of all those times when I was fighting for you. Your wish is my command I came with you from Babylon to the Leningrad. I am tired, hungry, broken, tortured. My senses have stopped feeling anything. Killing is like any other work for me.

I know I am not that lucky to get back to my home, but my urge of freedom is strong. If you won't release me let me release myself. This dagger which I used on many other humans needs my blood now and what would be a better place other than my heart, I am free, I want to breathe free, I want freedom from you and your orders. Long live the country long live the king........Aah (and the dagger found the heart)!


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