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This ain't a peom

This ain't a poem, cause no hero died, no girl cried.

This ain't a poem, cause no one got hurt, nobody got curt.

This ain't a poem, cause no one clapped n no one got trapped.

This ain't a poem, cause  no one voted nobody noticed.

This ain't a poem, as no one blushed and not a single heart gushed.

This ain't a poem, as you didn't say wow, and neither you questioned how.

This ain't a poem, as it started, when we all were empty hearted.


  1. Very well written! Keep posting!!


  2. ...and kindly remove this word verification thing so that one can comment freely, without being bothered!

    1. Nice post, thanks

      मेरे ब्लॉग " meri kavitayen "की नवीनतम पोस्ट पर आपका स्वागत है .


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