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Love does not happen in a day it grows gradually, but then why do we hear “Love at first sight”. Those are the vibes which hooks us for that person. It is the seed of love and not the full tree. The love tree has many branches of forgiveness, understanding, companionship, it has the root of trust, it has the fruit of lust and it is covered by the leaves of ‘will’. In relations ‘will’ is required sometimes more than love itself. When ‘will’ dies, love also, automatically die.

Love does not mean to bear the other person's mentality and it doesn't even mean to unite your mentalities. All it means to surrender yourself and let open the doors of your heart, so that the warmth, knowledge, humanity and grace of god should enter.

It is a way to know ourselves. When we love someone we forget the word 'I' and we say 'We' and that is the key to love. It is the game played by heart when our brains get defeated. Let loose you, let me come in, let love come in, let lord come in and let the happiness, shine and blessings come in..........let love, love you!


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