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Showing posts from September, 2014


She's a better no worse. She's only her's....neither song nor verse. She's not complete...and nobody is dying to meet. Who is she, where does she come from, do you care? Or it's just me and my lonely affair...? She's a chaos....chosen to be silent. She's a her own asylum. She's a bird....and doesn't expect herself to be heard. Who is she, where does she come from, do you care? Or it's just me and my lonely affair...?

Let it happen

Life itself, is a miracle. We start our lives by knowing none to thousands of other miraculous lives by the end. There's a purpose attached with it, a different motive for every one of us and how miraculous is that. My goal is different from yours. We may know few people in common but ultimately we will lead our lives differently. How it is possible to achieve these billions of goals and correct me if I am wrong, how many of us reach to the so called final destination. I know it requires a lot of courage, guidance, skills, security and motivation to sustain the journey but tell me honestly how many times you actually tried. If I have understood it correctly then I have noticed that I have had given ample of chances by life to accomplish my dreams but I brought my doubts between the two of them. It was me who said 'If', 'But', 'What will happen.' So if I have to blame anyone then it has to be me and nobody else. Life chose beautiful for me, it wanted me...

Describe Yourself

When it comes to ‘describe yourself’ anywhere online I feel like to log out or to go to the previous menu. As it becomes the most difficult question of my life. How a person can describe himself..? What one should tell? Shall he describe what he feels about himself or he should simply write… what others perceive about him by judging his social-economical conditions, ups and downs or his weird behaviour in parties after getting high on cocktails. Describing self was quite easy until I was Fifteen, either I was happy, sad, angry, gloomy, overjoyed, betrayed, pampered, bored or just mad at someone, so it was easy to answer in few words. But Now If you ask me I will juggle with words. There are no clear thoughts in my mind. I would like to portray an honest picture in front of you, yet! I would like to be kind to myself with words. How honesty and kindness can be gelled together? I don’t remember a single incident when I had filled this column successfully at one go and without re-e...